See the Picture. It’s dark, and the dark is great for night time and sleeping. See the bright, shiny light and the doorway? That’s my brain. Ooh! Look! What’s that? Why is it doing that? And that over there – I need to examine that more closely.
I could blame my cats, Magellan and Bosun wrestling on the end of my bed, but I’d be lying.
Looking on the bright side, being up and about at 03:30 is great for productivity. I’ve wrangled a few wrinkles on my website. Who knew it was so fiddly making all your pictures and stuff work smoothly on mobile phones, iPads and desktops? I thought one size fits all. Nope. I am going to be bald by the time is this site is up and running.
Does your brain keep you awake most nights? I hope not.

Bosun and Magellan
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