A Blog
Magic Musings & Mystery

About Me
Building a Website From Scratch Sucks
But I’m Doing it Anyway

Let’s Get Started
Writing isn’t just Writing Anymore
There is so much more to this publishing thing. So much to learn!
It has taken me days to get this stupid website to where it is now. And it isn’t finished yet. It’s not even a fancy site.
I have this HUGE list of stuff to put in place such as setting up a professional email address, starting accounts on Kindle, Kobo, iBooks, D2D, Smashwords – the list is way longer, but you get the gist.

I really need to
finish writing Brooms Away
So I can get Arabella out into the world. I can feel her glaring at me from here.

So, I will make this short and sweet.
I need to get my running shoes on

So here are a few pictures to make my first blog post seem really impressive. BTW, the images came with the template. Just so you know.


Let’s Get Started
I will do better next time.

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