Unique Speak


We all worry about how we are perceived. Well, at least most of us do. We want to fit in, be liked and included. Have our achievements recognised and lauded. It means we are one with the tribe. We are liked. We are safe and valued.

And all because of millions of years of evolution.

Humans equate exclusion with death. You know, if you’re out of the tribe you’re vulnerable – you’re prey.  So, we have to be ‘good enough’ so the tribe doesn’t kick us out into the wilds.


This need to belong is hardwired into us. We need to be seen as ‘good enough’ so those we deem higher up the pecking order help us remain ‘alive’. If they exclude us we could ‘die’. 

We haven’t evolved past this fear. Yet.

The funny thing is, we also want to believe we are unique. And when you get down to it, we are. Putting that uniqueness out into the world is the scary bit. Then that primitive survival brain swings into gear. Then we withdraw. Do nothing in case our art, our writing, our music, our inventions are frowned upon. Or worse still, laughed at. 

It has taken me years to get to where I am. And that’s not far. I occasionally let my sparkle shine into the world. Then I retreat. Sparkle a little. Retreat. Procrastinate. Sparkle. Hide.

I know you understand. 


Watch out world, I’m on my way. Maybe. Next week. I think I’ll make a coffee instead.

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